Dear Giuseppe.

I still think you should have gone with Antonio by the way, after Antonio Benedetto Carpano, inventor of Vermouth.

Anyway. You probably haven't even realised I've gone. Chances are that on my return to Naples I will find you exactly where I left you. Sat at that blasted instrument, staring at the wall, making that gloomy sound.

But just in case you do stop playing the glass xylophone for a moment and notice my absence, this is to say:

I have left the city. For a few days. Maybe a week. Maybe more. I don't know yet.

I needed a break. From you. From that sound. From... that mood. And I needed some company.

Which is why I am in Turin. With Luigi.

Why is Luigi in Turin you ask?


(EXCITED) He was hired to help with a production of Medea at the Turin Opera! I attended a preview yesterday, and my oh my, you have never seen a final act of Medea like it!

The palace doors burst open and in flies a flaming chariot, drawn by dragons! Medea sits atop the chariot, her dead children sprawled across her lap. She cracks a whip and the dragons spit fire! Jason screams! Medea flies off over the audience's heads in a whirl of red and orange. Oh - Revenge has never been so spectacular! And entertaining!

But… Oh god… Why am I even telling you this. You don't care. Do you. Ever since you heard that dreary glass music it's like you're not really here... I thought sending you to Fiorella would allow you to get it out of your system, but then she goes and gives you her wretched xylophone and you become even more obsessed!


(ANNOYED) And yes, I know it's not a xylophone. I'm just saying that to annoy you.

Harmonica. There. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I don't like what it is doing to you. I mean, I can take you being down in the dumps for a bit, good heavens I’ve seen enough of it. But this is different. I have never known you to be so... so... absent.

And… You know what was the final straw?

The gelato. On Piazza del Mercato. When I asked you what you thought of the gelato, you said, do you remember? You said: "it's nice." Nice?! Nice?! Good lord man, that gelato was as seductive as Don Juan, as sweet as an aria by Rossini, and as innovative as Leonardo Da Vinci's self propelled cart!

(SIGHS) You’ve- You have become such a self absorbed sourpuss that you can't even appreciate the most sublime gelato in the Two Sicilies! I mean, I would gladly make Naples our permanent base just for that gelato!

Well... And clients of course. We also need clients...

Setting up in a new city is always hard, you know that better than anyone... and... and well frankly I just can't do it without you.


I miss you Giuseppe. There. I said it. And I'm sorry for calling you a sourpuss. (SIGHS) As entertaining as it is to watch Luigi work his mechanical magic, nothing beats the adventures the two of us have had.


Sir Arthur Cutlass and Captain Dead Eye! I miss our seafaring days, don't you? Do you remember when we helped that Kraken disappear? Or the time we won a shanty contest in Hamburg?

Oh, Giuseppe, let's do what we came here to do! Earn enough Ducats to purchase a new vessel, then set off across the Atlantic in search of new adventures! What do you say? The Americas await!

You know what I’m going to do? I will bring back a bottle of Vermouth for you. It is all the rage here in Turin. They flavour it with roots, barks, flowers, seeds, herbs, and spices, and it is exquisitely intoxicating. I had a sip earlier on -I still feel it! It’s wonderful, wonderfully warm and hm!

You know, we’re gonna crack a bottle open on my return, let the sweet liquid sing in our heads, dream of the future and then live those dreams. What do you say? Yes? Say yes, please, say Yes, Guiseppe.

There is just one condition. You must stop playing the glass xylophone.


Warm wishes,



This minisode featured Alan Burgon as the Interviewer, it was written and edited by Philip Thorne with music and Sound Design by Adam Raymonda, Graphic Design by Anders Pedersen and Production Assistance by Maty Parzival. Thank you to every single Patron for your support and allowing us to keep telling stories. More stories coming very soon.